I think we need to tax people out of the automobile.
Much like we see with ciggerettes and alcohol. People will simply not give the addiction up.
A couple methods could be you punch your license plate into a keypad, based on the MPG, The gallons used (you could single out rental cars and such) that could formulate miles driven tax and an efficiency tax at the same time.
It would open the rental car business so you could rent a car for an hour or two.
Every time there is maintenance a surcharge will be added to the final bill. Maintenance for the life of a car produces tons of toxic waste. Find ways to recycle these substances.
Lastly buying new car would cost you 5,000 dollars extra. While buying a used car would cost an extra 1,000. This would be an additional expense to what you pay now.
This solves all of the problems you won't solve now.
First we have no money to fund transit. With this initial cash flow and the continued revenue from rider ship. You will.
Second raising the MPG does not solve anything; it only adds to our problems. This is as we have seen the number of miles driven has gone up. So now something met to deter causes to use more. With a miles added tax you pay for your mileage and you pay for your own vehicle IE truck, compact, motorcycle, etc.
Third the biggest waste of resources is not recycling our old cars back into circulation and or keep your current car longer.
I surely do not want to impose such costly measures, however you continue not to conserve. There needs to be balance or a balance will seek you..
An oil balance just found them and we are not even at summertime.
Decades of neglect and enormous problems lay just ahead. I am scared as hell and I don't own a car.