Tue, Mar 17, 2009 - 3.50 mi [Cycling]
3.50 mi on windsor tourist. [Cycling]
Posted from My Cycling Log
So I had to go to the store twice I must really like biking to have forgot my cash or in my case plastic. It was a great night for cycling. Of course this was the third time I saw the store, but who is counting? I needed to or wanted to get to the store quicker so I used the more direct route the first time on the second trip. The first trip I used the less popular auto route.
This consists of a traffic light turning left at Oak street, and then another traffic light turn right at McDowell then I go down a hill to another right at the complex. This is a faster route as I can really hammer the pedals, once at the first stop light I can get there in a matter three minutes.
There is something to be proud of even if you don't drink alcohol.
Happy St. Patrick's day.
1. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, although he was born in Britain, around 385AD. His parents Calpurnius and Conchessa were Roman citizens living in either Scotland or Wales, according to different versions of his story.
source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ireland/5005127/St-Patricks-Day-Top-10-facts.html