Ok it may take a few more years, but it is starting. People are questioning why they spend so much time behind the wheel going some place. For good reason why?
Here is the article driving less is best.
article here
To go with the car free theme
a few blogs
Need a PSA anoucement to get you in the mood.
Here they cite and arrest people who ride on sidewalks. Granted he had an outstanding ticket on the same thing, but getting arrested when motorists kill at will and walk away?
Article here
Stop looking under the couch cushions to pay for gas. Taking transit can save you some real cash. Reoport here
Of course the government won't have this, you must buy a car now you peon.
"Consumers would get vouchers for as much as $4,500 from the government to trade in their gas-guzzling cars under a compromise plan that could help advance a broad measure to combat climate change."
Article here
A run down on the topics.
People are consolidating trips or choosing not to go on these trips, something which car free people do a lot of. You would be amazed how many miles you can reduce by simply doing one trip a day to accomplish everything. (one trip is an out and back no matter how long it takes. )
I suspect car pooling is another major contributer for this reason of less miles.
The Carfree blogs keep churning away there are so many it is becoming a movement I can't keep up with all of them. Real world examples of how to ditch the car. I take the money I save from not owing a car, and spend it on monthly trips out of town. I now go more places than I did with a car HA!
With the weather getting better for most of the nation and worse for others.
I invite you to get out during bike month, and with this PSA ad how can you not. What a wonderful world cycling makes.
This is truly frustrating for me in how the laws benefit someone with a weapon. Leaving the vulnerable person who is doing a great and noble deed by getting out of the car, to be nothing more than road kill.
Here is just one example 5 days in jail for driver under the influence
I really think the government is against transit for some reason? They refuse to give operational funds to help people out. They only will give them infrastructure funding which increases the operational budget. Somehow I don't see how this works in my favor. Even further they give you a 4500 bonus to get a new car. Keep in mind you get no bonus for giving up your car all together.