One area I don't want to ban the automobile is moving. While it is possible, there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. So I used the automobile for my move out of Minnesota. It was a simple choice as my family already have made the expensive investment of owning a car.
In Utah this would be different, I would be using car sharing and I would rent this by the day or hour.
The great thing here is I only pay for when I use it. A one time $25 dollar membership fee. Then you pay by the hour. All the gas, insurance, maintenance, and washing is on them. Its a great option for someone that doesn't want to own a car.
I have spent the last 6 years with out a car. (There was a year where I lived with my parents and used their car.) I have never had the option to do car sharing, so this will be a very different experience. Having spent so much time with out a car.
You simply just go into car free mode. Every challenge you encounter wears on you and it becomes natural. This is my problem, and this is how I am going to accomplish it without. Not to say I have never rented a car, but it is usually the only option for the said task.
Now with car sharing I am going to have to take a step back. I can do this on my bicycle, or I can do this with car sharing.
If you want to sign up for the car share, let me know. They will give me cash for my referral. Simply send me your name and email and poof 25 bucks for me.They will email you a link to sign up for.
They are located all over the United states going to the link below will show you where they will be.
Run by uhaul a link to the website. Ushare
Here is there video which they gave me at my account page.
How to use car share the video